Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Follow Through Phase - Nehaal Goundar

In the follow through phase I still need to contract certain segments. To make sure my shot is effective I need to contract my smaller muscles in my arm. i know i am following the principle of sequencing because my smaller muscles and my arms are continuing to extend. 

While moving from the execution phase to the follow through phase both my Shoulder and Elbow joints are working. The Shoulder joint is ball an socket. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is flexing and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is extending. The Elbow joint is a hinge joint.The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is flexing and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is extending. The differences/similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal are pretty similar because of the joint angles.

In the follow through phase I am using Newton's Third law. Newton's Third law states, whenever a force is applied there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example if your doing a push up, when you push up that's the action and when your pushing your body it lifts you because of the reaction of force applied to the ground when pushing. My reaction is dependent on my action created in my body to get a greater reaction and processes more force (power) so you get a greater reach to the reach the hoop. If you contract your body a little bit your wont get as much force as you will when you contract your body with more force.

In the follow through phase balance and stability is still important to producing a well executed shot. To be balanced in this phase I need to make sure that both my legs are evenly stable and my center of gravity is evenly distributed through out my whole body. Also I know I am balanced because my centre of gravity is evenly distributed throughout my whole body. The similarities I can see in my balance and stability when it comes to the balance but at the end of my shot i had to put a foot out stop my body from tilting and making me fall.

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