In order to generate maximum force I need to follow a sequence, my largest muscles to my smallest to generate the maximum amount of force and power. This means that I need to start from my legs, then move on to the next muscles in the same sequence, for example, when i flex my leg and bend my knee I am producing force and then i pass this force into my upper body.this all needs to be done with the correct timing so the shot is perfect.
While moving from the preparation to the execution phase both my Shoulder and Elbow joints are working.
1. The Shoulder joint [Glenohumeral] is a ball and socket joint which flexing, the agonist muscle contracting to make this movement happen is the pectoralis major and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is the Latissimus dorsi .
2. The Elbow joint is extending, the agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is bicep.
The similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal is the we both have the same kind of stance and hold in the preparation phase, but when released i don't push onto the ball while the right amount of force.
In the execution phase balance and stability is important to produce a well coordinated shot. Centre of gravity is defined as the point that is equally balanced throughout the whole body. To be balanced my centre of gravity has to be equally balanced throughout your whole body. i know im balanced because my centre 0f gravity is inside my body. Also I know I am balanced because my line of gravity goes through my body and straight between my legs and my base of support has 2 to 4 points of my body touching the ground [my legs and arms].
The similarities I can see in my balance and stability is pretty even and similar to the ideal because i have my two feet planted on the ground.
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